Winner: Urban Villages Rebuilding Aisling 'People's Choice' Award 2021

Shortlisted: Belfast Telegraph Best Public Sector IT Awards 2022, 2023 & 2024

Collaborative Projects

Safer At Home Board Game

We created a custom board game for the Safer At Home Project alongside PCSP, a group of young people piloted the project and gave their opinion and ideas.

BSCR alongside young people from NBAP (North Belfast Area Project) created a custom board game for the Common Youth Project, A Respect Board Game about Sexual Health.

R.E.S.P.E.C.T Board Game


BSCR worked with PCSP & youth workers from Belfast to create a good relations version of Jenga which has been distributed to youth clubs.

Well Fed&Happy

BSCR alongside young people from NBAP (North Belfast Area Project) created a family friendly recipe book, that will definitely spice up family time with togetherness in the kitchen.

D.A.R.E. Project

BSCR worked as the digital lead on the amazing D.A.R.E. project by Alternatives.

A Selection of Schools/Organisations we work with

Featured Projects

127 Creative Space

127 Creative space, is a place where your imagination and creativity can run wild! We offer a range of projects, training and workshops that teaches STEAM skills, CAD and manufacturing in a fun and innovative way!

The space is fitted with digital fabrication equipment:

3D printers, laser cutters, Vinyl Cutters, CNC, Sublimation and more.

BSCR deliver OCN accredited courses in Digital Fabrication or non-accredited workshops for groups that can tailored around a theme.

Give It A Go

Give It A Go enables young people aged 8-16 to have a go at different Digital & STEAM related activities. Including, Computer aided Design and Manufacturing, Stop Motion Animation, Gaming, Photography, Virtual Reality, 3D Printing, Augmented Reality and much more.


Eco-engineers teaches young people about the importance of looking after the environment and assists them with the opportunity to tackle local and international environmental issues within their communities. By blending a range of activities together, young people not only learn practical and important digital skills but also helps to create a sense of civic pride within their communities.

Wellbeing Through Digital & Sport

Wellbeing through Digital & Sport aims to support and promote healthier lifestyles for participants by helping them understand more about their own mental wellbeing. The project is delivered through a range of practical workshops centred on digital and physical activities that the participants wouldn’t normally get the chance to do.

Lego League Playmakers

This programme develops STEAM skills from an early age. Children explore a real-world theme and learn through play.

Take A Look
